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Imagine walking down a street and the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen is walking by you. You want to be cool so you don’t give a big cheesy smile. Instead she stops and looks at your shirt and says, “Really, Oh man, my neck is killing me! I could really use that massage.” So you start massaging her and she’s in heaven, she asks you out on a date, her treat :D… And what do you know, a year from then you’re married and adventuring the world with this multi millionaire dream girl all because you had a kick ass shirt on that said “Free Massages”…  

The Free Massage Movement is here to encourage people like you to spread the idea of non-sensual, consensual Massage from one person to another. To wear a shirt or other symbols that say “Free Massage” and by wearing something like that people walking down the street will stop you and say in jest, “Oh man I totally need a massage” and then to actually give a stranger a massage. 

A free flowing love sharing touch giving way of expression and communication that embraces the movement of the Free Massage